

AIS Display Garden Application Form.

(copy form into word document, fill it out, and e-mail to with subject title AIS Display, include images as attachments)

  • Street address;…………………………………….

  • Town…………………………………………………..

  • State, zip……………………………………………..

  • Contact information;

    • E-mail…………………………………………..

    • Phone…………………………………………..

  • Types of Iris/number of cultivars

    • TB……; BB……..; IB…………; MTB………..; SDB…………; MDBs……:

    • SIB……; PCN…….; SPU…..; JI……..: LA……..; SPX………; SPEC…….;

    • AR………; AB………..; Other…………………

  • Special Types of above

    • Rebloomers……………….; Historic……………;

    • Award candidates……………………;

  • What is the purpose or emphasis of the display?

  • Do you have companion plants with garden settings or a collection?

  • Is the garden wholly or partly handicap accessible?

  • Does the garden include interesting features, pools, waterfalls, fountains, Garden Art.?

  • Is everything clearly labeled or mapped?

  • Are toilet facilities available?

  • Does the garden include Hybridizer’s seedlings, If so, whose?

  • What calendar dates are reasonable times for viewing bloom?

  • Are there any other attributes that should be mentioned

  • Please include an image of the overall garden
Note this data should be updated yearly.

Suggested Themes/Types of display gardens;
  • General iris display; This type of display garden would provide a cross section of all types of Iris showing the diversity of the genus.
  • Judges garden: This type of display garden would attempt to plant at least 50% of the iris in a particular group that have received a high commendation and would subsequently be eligible for higher awards.
  • Hybridizer garden: This type of display garden would feature irises from a particular hybridizer or Irises from hybridizers of a particular state or region.
  • Specialist garden: This type of garden would feature irises from one or more classifications of Iris, example Tall-bearded, Louisiana, Spuria etc.

Mail to Bob Pries, 107 Brothers Drive., Roxboro, NC 27574 or e-mail to

-- BobPries - 2013-12-03
Topic revision: r4 - 20 Feb 2024, BobPries
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