You are here: Iris Wiki>Bb Web>BbJinwuqu (09 Apr 2022, Harloiris)Edit Attach

(BB) 'Jinwuqu'

2021, Zhu

'Jinwuqu' (Xudong Zhu, R. 2021). Seedling A-d4-65. BB, 27" (69 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow (RHS 12A); style arms same, light yellow-orange (RHS 19D) midrib; falls same, dense white (RHS N999D) streaks from white area around top of beard; beards orange (RHS 28A); pronounced sweet fragrance. 'Singing Orioles' X 'Skyfire'.

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-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r2 - 09 Apr 2022, Harloiris
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