(AR) 'Nana Betty' 1976, McKusick 'Nana Betty' OG (Herb McKusick, R. 1976). AR, 12" (30 cm). Early bloom. Flesh tan with fine stippling; small black signal; old go...
■(AR) 'Nazarena' 1893, Foster 'Nazarena' (Sir Michael Foster,1893), R. 1936; Originally described as a separate species see Iris Nazarena Fos., but reduced to syn...
(AR) 'Nazarena Thompsoni' YYYY, Dinsmore 'Nazarena Thompsoni'; This was originally described as a variety of Iris Nazarena by John Edward Dinsmore, but the variat...
(AR) 'Nemesis' ?, Van Tubergen 'Nemesis' (Van Tubergen). Not Registered. Regeliocyclus, RC. Color Class S4D. Salbach 1919; Wayman 1939. See below: * * Referenc...
(AR) 'Noblesse' YYYY, Van Tubergen 'Noblesse' (C. G. Van Tubergen). Flowers campanula violet (RHS 82d), crest golden yellow. Iris hoogiana Dykes 'Noblesse' . See ...