■(AB) 'William Mohr'

1925, Mohr

'William Mohr' OB (Willliam Mohr, 1925). AB, TMB, Midseason bloom. Color Class-S7M. Pink to red-toned blend, self, medium. 'Parisiana' X I. gatesii . Synonym: William Mohr-Lilac. S. B. Mitchell, 1925.

Also listed in TB web: 'William Mohr'.

See below:

William Mohr AIS Bul 126-18.jpegWilliam Mohr, Arilbred--1931 Salbach CAT.jpgWilliam Mohr.jpgwilliammohr1.JPG


From Salbach catalog, 1925: Introductory Offer of the wonderful hybrid iris William Mohr (Illustrated in full page plate at the beginning of Bulletin 9 of the American Iris Society). Description: Ground color pale lilac, standards flushed darker, the whole flower beautifully veined manganese violet. Substance and shape of the very best, a very large flower; actual measurements showing standards 3-1/4 by 2-3/4 inches, and falls 3 by 2 inches. Stems strong and rigid, 20 to 24 inches, usually four flowers on each. While the stock is very limited, at the urgent request of many iris enthusiasts who have seen it, we are offering a few good blooming size rhizomes of this seedling, which we believe to be the finest real hybrid ever raised. It was obtained by the late William Mohr from a cross of the pogon iris Parisiana with pollen from the very large rare and beautiful oncocylus Gatesii and as he thought it his finest achievement it has been named in his memory. From its seed parent it has derived such vigor that under ordinary garden culture it grows well and flowers regularly in California, and has been uniformly healthy. Throughout the Pacific coast and in other warm sections it should do well with only the care taken to give good drainage and withhold summer watering. It has passed successfully through two winters in an Eastern garden where it was sent for testing, and it has flowered there. It is therefore well worthy of trial under cold conditions, but light soil and good drainage should be provided. While stock is still so scarce we recommend that those having green houses or cold frames give this variety such protection; as an experiment, we grew a plant of this during two years in a 12-inch pot, and it flowered beautifully. The exceptionally fine keeping qualities make it invaluable as a cut flower. Stock Limited. Good blooming size rhizomes. One only to a customer, $50.00.
From Indian Spring Farms catalog, 1927: WILLIAM MOHR (Mohr 1925). This is probably one of the most remarkable Irises ever raised. It was obtained by the late Wm. Mohr from a cross of the Pogoniris Parisiana with pollen from the rare and beautiful Oncocyclus Gatesii. As Mr. Mohr considered it his finest achievement, it has been named in his memory. The ground color is pale.lilac, standards flushed darker, and the whole flower beautifully veined manganese-violet. It is very large with broad, rounded segments of fine form and great substance. Stems strong and rigid. 20 to 24 inches. This interesting variety gives promise of being one of the finest additions to our Iris list. It has all the weird charm of I. Susiana, the Mourning Iris, with sufficient vigor to withstand the cold winters of the North. $25.00 each
From Cooley's Wholesale price list, 1932: WM. MOHR. This strange and beautiful hybrid is named for one of the world's most famous hybridizers, and is considered as his greatest piece of work. The entire bloom is a self-color of pale lilac, closely netted and veined with deep violet, producing a weird, yet very lovely effect. In some ways it resembles the variety I. susiana, but lacks the dullness of this older sort, and is not at all difficult to grow. A monster flower, produced on stems up to 30 inches tall. At the iris show in St. Paul, Minn., last June it was a center of attraction. Each $1.00; three for $2.55; ten, $7.50.
From the October 25-26, 1952 Directors' Meeting Minutes: It was resolved that in recognition of the fact that the iris William Mohr has become the progenitor of a new race of garden irises and further that these irises have reached a high place in popularity and public esteem and further that in the opinion of the Board of Directors having met in executive session in St. Louis this date, that said Board of Directors award to the iris William Mohr a Special Award of Merit.
From the October 31-November 1, 1953 Directors' Meeting Minutes: That the Award of Merit which was voted by the Board at a previous meeting to the iris William Mohr be considered as a mark of distinction, and that having received this award that the iris William Mohr not be considered eligible for the Dykes Medal; further that any such special awards which might be made in the future be so treated.
From The Court Of Iris catalog, 1955: WILLIAM MOHR (Mohr-Mitchell '25) E 18" (Parisiana X gatesi). Certainly this is one of the most famous Iris in the world and doubtless it appears in the genealogy of more named varieties than any other single origination. In spite of the narrow unattractive foliage it produces lilac flowers which are really huge. Conspicuous veins of violet further enhance this Oncolike bloom. $.50. A.M.
From Supplement To The Comprehensive Checklist of Aril and Arilbred Iris by Sharon McAllister, April 2000: WILLIAM MOHR AB (William Mohr, R. 1925). Seedling # NIA. TMB, tall, midseason. Parisiana X I gatesii. AIS Color Class: S7M (medium red-toned squalens). '76 CL: Pink to red-toned blend, self, medium. Court of lris: "Huge lilac flowers have veins of deeper violet." Vallette:"huge manganese violet, veined darker." Syn: William Mohr-Lilac. S.B. Mitchell, 1925. Notes: Counted as a 22-chromosome diploid, an OB in both systems; introduced before the registration system was established, name noted as approved in '39 CL. Ref: AIS '39, p. 568;ASI '76, p. 90; ASI '78 YB, p. 64; Vallette, p. 193.

William Mohr AIS Bul 126-18.jpeg

Galyon, F. (1952). “Dark horses” of irisdom. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 126, 19.

Historic Iris Preservation Society link.

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Interested in Arils and Arilbreds? Please visit the: Aril Society International website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2010-01-17
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
William Mohr AIS Bul 126-18.jpegjpeg William Mohr AIS Bul 126-18.jpeg manage 283 K 15 Nov 2024 - 15:02 DavidPotembski Scanned by David Potembski from AIS Bulletin #126 (July 1952), p. 18.
William Mohr, Arilbred--1931 Salbach CAT.jpgjpg William Mohr, Arilbred--1931 Salbach CAT.jpg manage 233 K 20 Jul 2022 - 21:36 EdenSprings  
William_Mohr.jpgjpg William_Mohr.jpg manage 47 K 01 Feb 2010 - 16:48 BetsyHiggins  
williammohr1.JPGJPG williammohr1.JPG manage 214 K 11 Apr 2020 - 02:18 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1955 Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens catalog by Kate Brewitt
Topic revision: r24 - 15 Nov 2024, DavidPotembski
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