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(AB) 'Heigho'

1948, Craig

'Heigho' OB- (Tom Craig, R. 1948). AB, TMB, tall. Early to late bloom. Color Class-B7M. Medium blue violet self. 'Purissima' X 'Capitola'. Craig, 1949. Honorable Mention 1949.

Also listed in TB web: 'Heigho'.

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From Craig Catalog, 1949: HEIGHO--An extremely vigorous and prolific hybrid with fine clean foliage and tall wiry stems 45" high, ideally branched,5-7 buds. The immense globe like flowers are of very heavy substance and both standards and falls are unusually broad and full. They are smoothly colored clear Bradley violet with a hint of a signal patch at the tip of the dull orange gold beard. Another remarkable feature of this fine iris is the extent of its flowering period, for it starts flowering very early and continues flowering when only the late iris are its companions. It is probably my best introduction to date. Bred from Purissima x Capitola. $35.00 net
Jesse E. Wills (Tennessee), Varietal Comment, Irises Seen in Nashvilleā€¯ The Bulletin of the American Iris Society_, No. 123, (October 1951): 70. HEIGHO (Craig) "Another hybrid which is also very impressive and even more vigorous--a big spectacular flwer which more nearly resembles Morning Blue or Blue Elegance than Peg Debagh.
From The Court Of Iris catalog, 1955: HEIGHO (Craig '49) M 42" (Purissima X Capitola). One of the finest varieties from this cross which has given so many beautiful and outstanding blooms to Tom Craig. The clear violet flowers are set off by a dark signal patch. H.M. '49. $3.00
From Supplement To The Comprehensive Checklist of Aril and Arilbred Iris by Sharon McAllister, April 2000: HEIGHO AB (Tom Craig, R. 1948). Sdlg # NIA. TMB, tall, E-L. Purissima X Capitola. AIS Color Class: B7M (medium blue self with red undertones). '76 CL: Medium blue-violet self. Court of Iris: "clear violet flowers are set off by a dark signal patch." Craig: "Light violet with faint signal patch at the tip of the beard." Vallette: "soft blue Mohr, hint of signal and some onco flecking." Craig, 1949. Notes: An OB-in both systems. Ref: AIS '49, p. 123; ASI'76, p. 42; Vallette, p. 190.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- AnitaMoran - 2010-01-25
Topic revision: r18 - 03 Oct 2020, Harloiris
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