■(AB) 'Esther, The Queen'
1967, Hunt
'Esther, The Queen' OGB (
Eugene Hunt, R. 1967). Seedling ORB 64-1. AB, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards wisteria blue, deeper veins, blended willow green at base, brown at claw; Falls willow green, blended erythrite red; dotting by black beard on black maroon spot, paling to brown as it blends to willow green. Sundt 5631D: (
'Ardrun' x
'Ib-Mac') X
'Kalifa Gulnare'. Tell's Iris Garden, 1968. High Commendation 1967; Honorable Mention 1969; Judges Choice 1969;
White Medal 1971
Note: Streaking is very variable--from almost no streaks to heavily streaked, flower to flower on same plant and year to year depending on soil, growing conditions and weather.
See below:
* *
From AIS Bulletin #189 April 1968 Introducing ESTHER THE QUEEN (Eugene Hunt). E-M. 30". (Sundt 5631: ARDRUN x IBMAC) X KALIFA GULNARE. The blendings of color are impossible to describe. Standards bluish green, with falls blended soft willow green to amber. Has a large signal spot of brownish maroon under a darker onco-like blackish beard, giving a very striking appearance. Aril breeders have been high in their praise of this lovely flower. Passes on the strong signal spot to its offspring. One branch with usually three long-lasting blooms per stalk. Excellent grower; fast of increase. See page 63, January 1968 AIS Bulletin. ORB 64-1. HC '67. Net $25.00 Tell's Iris Garden. |
From AIS Bulletin #188 January 1968 referred to above - Comment by Steve Varner: ESTHER THE QUEEN (Eugene Hunt). Sundt's 5631: sib to ARDMINAC (ARDUM x IB-MAC) X KALIFA GULNARE). Exotic as the beauty namesake that charmed the king of ancient Persia. She has bluish green. standards and her falls are willow-green with a spot of brownish maroon which serves as a base for her blackish beard. Really great. The seedling number was ORB 64-1. |
ESTHER THE QUEEN (Hunt '68). The only arilbred I will list, even though I have a dozen other "favorites." This will strike the fancy of anyone, and is in fact an easy grower. A good parent, both ways, too. [Tell Muhlestein, “Twenty-five Irises That Have Performed Well for Me,” The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 199 (October 1970):49.] |
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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.
AnitaMoran - 2010-01-08