

■(AB) 'Allegria'

1929, Denis

'Allegria' OGB- (Fernand Denis, 1929). AB (DMB-B). 'Artemis' X 'Ricardi'. Denis 1929. (32 chr.)
Also listed in SDB web: 'Allegria'.

See below:
Photo by Cindy RiveraAllegria cc


From Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens catalog 1963: ALLEGRIA VE-15". Very much like the wonderful Onco-like Susiana Hybrid pictured in my '61 catalog. But this is essentially an Oncogelia, the only one we can grow without slightest difficulty along with our summer-irrigated Bearded Iris. You can handle it this way, or as an Aril, with no summer water. Reddest of Oncogelias, very round & Onco-like. Visitors take it for a true Onco. A beauty. Foliage dies like an Onco in fall. 32 chromosomes. Artemis (Oncogelia) X Ricardi (Bearded). Regularly $3.50; on $15 order 2 for $2.45; on $25 order 3 for $1.9S.
From Supplement To The Comprehensive Checklist of Aril and Arilbred Iris by Sharon McAllister, April 2000: ALLEGRIA AB (Louis A. Denis, R. 1929). Sdlg # NIA. DMB. Height and season NIA. Artemis X Ricardi. AIS Color Class: B (Blue self). No description in ' 1976 CL. Court of Iris:"Reddish-purple of 'Onco' form." 1929. Notes: 1929 CL codes it as a pogo-cyclus; '39 CL gives name as not approved; counted as a 32-chromosome triploid, an 0GB in the quantum system, an OGB- in the chromsome-set system. Ref: AIS '29, p. 46; AIS '39, p. 89; ASI '76,p. 9; ASI• '78 YB, p. 63.

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Interested in Arils and Arilbreds? Please visit the: Aril Society International website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.

Interested in French irises ? Please visit: Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses - SFIB | website (french language).


-- AnitaMoran - 2010-01-14
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Allegria.jpgjpg Allegria.jpg manage 36 K 18 Feb 2010 - 18:17 BetsyHiggins Photo by Cindy Rivera
Allegria_cc.jpgjpg Allegria_cc.jpg manage 105 K 09 Apr 2020 - 16:35 IrisP  
Topic revision: r25 - 19 Nov 2022, AlainFranco
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